Ramon Bastida Vialcanet
Ramon Bastida Vialcanet

Ramon Bastida Vialcanet

Ramon Bastida-Vialcanet is Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Control at UPF-Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM). He is also Adjunct Professor at the Department of Business and Economics at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and director of the International MBA Full Time program at UPF-BSM.


Principio de doble materialidad-Claves de las Normas Europeas de Información sobre Sostenibilidad (NEIS-ESRS).

Introducció a les Normes Europees d'Informació sobre Sostenibilitat (NEIS-ESRS).

Claves para integrar la triple sostenibilidad en las empresas.


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