Ramon Bastida Vialcanet is Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Control at UPF-Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM). He is also Adjunct Professor at the Department of Business and Economics at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). He is the director of the International MBA Full Time at UPF-BSM. He has a PhD in Business and Administration from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (with an International PhD Mention). He has visited HEC Liège Management School in Belgium and Université de Perpignan in France, and has taught at the Toulouse Business School, among others.

Professor Bastida is interested in governance and control, corporate sustainability information, and social entrepreneurship. His academic research has been published in international business journals. He has also developed applied research and knowledge transfer activities such as studies and reports, books and book chapters, and articles published in practitioner journals. He is the director of the Affordable and Sustainable Housing Chair at UF-BSM. And he has participated in conferences as an invited speaker.

He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Management Accounting and Control, Corporate Finance and Social Entrepreneurship. He teaches tailored courses for private companies, public entites and non-profits on Corporate Sustainability and ESG Reporting, Social Impact Measurament, or Accounting for non-profit organizations, among others.

Ramon Bastida Vialcanet